Innovation and Invention

Monday, December 24, 2012 || 0 (+)

Innovation and invention will always be around because people are always thinking of something new and something that could improve something to a much better thing. For example the PC and the tablet.

The evolution of the PC and handphone are still going on and people are still researching about it. They are finding ways to simplify things. Do you remember how computer used to be like? It was reaaaaally big! Now, you could keep a minimize pc in your handbag! People do researches about the PC and hard drive and how to minimize it into as small as a tablet. Invention on the other hand will keep on growing and changing. They'll try and find new ways to simplify life works.

For me to be a creative and innovative person is to be surrounded by people. To see how people act and change. How's their lifestyle? How do we do it to simplify one thing. Other than that, I think by researching and reading might trigger me to create something wild!

Do School Kill Creativity?

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Do school KILL Creativity? Honestly? YES! It does! To be honest, I wonder, why did during kindergarten days they teach us to be creative and as soon as we get older and go to high school and university, the teaching of creativity dies along.
"Truthfully what happens is, as children grow up we start to educate them progressively from the waist up. And then we focus on their heads. And slightly to one side." - Sir Ken Robinson

As Sir Ken Robinson quoted, I agree fully with him! Take me for example, I'm not a book reading worm nor a serious type of person BUT in school I am "taught" that way. To read and memorize. To do with steps and stuff like that when actually I want to do something different. I want to do it my way. The teachers teaches the kids to follow the line. They use their LEFT brain more than their RIGHT less.

Try and imagine the world with the LEFT brain users ONLY. Trust me everything is going to go black and white. Without the RIGHT brain people, the world is colorful and a fun place to live! :D

In Malaysia nowadays have different schools that helps students who are not so interested of the LEFT brain subjects like reading subjects or calculating subjects. Those school are known as the Vocational and Kemahiran ( Abilities ) school. They teach more to hands-on rather than theory stuff. I used to study in Vocational school due to my laziness and hatred towards studying all these boring subjects in my previous school. For two years in a row, I learned a lot and scored easily especially for my hands-on subjects. Students like me, we don't quite like sitting and reading and calculating. It reaaaally bores the heck out of me. I might... die.....

I started got interested in studying in the Vocational school. It doesn't kill me with theories and stuff. Yes, we still do have some reading and calculating subjects but the hands-on subjects are one of the reason why we scored. They taught us to use our RIGHT brain. We had to think outside the box to do our hands-on project. There's a lot of courses provided in Vocational school such as, programming, baking, fashion, electrical and electronic and etc. Well, like I stated, nowadays we need to generate students with a balanced usage of brain so that they could create something new. Something that could wow the world.

